Art beyond the canvas

Artists who create masterpieces on unexpected mediums

23 Sep 2024

Contemporary artists, fueled by their imagination, often craft truly captivating and unconventional pieces. Instead of traditional canvases, they opt for unexpected surfaces that leave their audience in awe. From painting on snow to transforming paintbrushes into art, these artists redefine the meaning of creativity.

Alexandra Dillon

The Los Angeles-based American artist Alexandra Dillon brings discarded objects back to life most charmingly. She collects worn-out brushes and other items, transforming them into canvases for portraits of imagined people.

Alexandra Dillon, inspired by her passion for art history, draws influence from Egyptian mummy paintings, Baroque portraits, Renaissance masterpieces, and 19th-century works. Her pieces clearly reflect this inspiration, as she captures people from various eras, gazing back at us from different times.

Each of Alexandra’s creations is a surprise, and none begin with a specific plan. She allows the “soul” of each object to shape the face that emerges. As a result, her characters range from mysterious ladies to shady gentlemen, and viewing her portraits feels like looking into a mirror, where viewers may find hidden aspects of themselves.

Аlexa Mead

The talented American artist Alexa Meade paints on the human body and three-dimensional spaces, creating an illusion that our reality is a two-dimensional painting.

While most artists aim for their work to be as realistic as possible, Alexa takes the opposite approach. Her “portraits” blink, scratch their noses, apply paint, and smile coyly at the camera. Alexa Meade is more than just a painter; she can create her masterpieces anytime, anywhere, without needing a specific setting for her work.

By combining painting and photography, Alexa creates the illusion of the unreal in the real world. Her art is a testament to her boundless creativity, inspiring many and proving once again that art knows no limits.

Golsa Golchini 

Iranian artist Golsa Golchini, based in Italy, is renowned for crafting tiny masterpieces on unconventional canvases. One of her most well-known series involves turning her hand into a work of art. Each piece in this series features realistic depictions of miniature figures, animals, objects, and environments spread across her fingers, palm, and wrist.

Golchini’s unique choice of canvas isn’t random; many of her whimsical compositions come to life through their interaction with the body. For instance, in one artwork, she paints two fingers to resemble a pair of legs, while in another, she wraps a tiny silver chain around her middle finger to suspend a swing occupied by a blue-haired girl.

The fact that these creations are ephemeral and can be washed away with water is a distinctive feature of her art. Golchini captures her finished works on camera and shares them on social media.

23 Sep 2024
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