Retrograde Mercury in August 2024. Tips for each zodiac sign

Mercury will be in retrograde motion from August 5 to 29, 2024. And as the popular joke goes, you can now blame all your mistakes on it.
Let’s remind ourselves what retrograde motion is. It’s an optical illusion that occurs due to the difference in the orbital speeds of planets as observed from Earth. Mercury isn’t reversing its direction; it continues moving as usual, but from our vantage point on Earth, its motion appears backward (retrograde).
Retrograde Mercury happens three to four times a year and undoubtedly influences certain aspects of people’s lives. However, the retrograde motion of other significant planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, greatly impacts people’s destinies. We are currently experiencing a period of retrograde Saturn, and you can read about the challenges your sign might face during this time here.
Let’s first dispel some myths. Retrograde Mercury isn’t out to cause problems in our lives. Its purpose is to slow us down, make us aware of the pace and rhythm of our lives, and help us understand whether we are on the right path.
We may feel the effects of Mercury’s retrograde in areas such as communication, connections, business activities, and thought processes, manifesting as misunderstandings, delays, confusion, technical glitches, and other mishaps in everyday life.
Mercury governs communication, learning, travel, and commerce. It’s an extroverted planet, outwardly focused. Retrograde Mercury, however, is introverted, and not oriented toward new experiences or contacts. Its task is to bring order to our thoughts and relationships by encouraging introspection and reflection on what has been accumulated. This is a time for contemplation, correcting mistakes, and settling debts.
Until August 22, retrograde Mercury will transit through the sign of Leo. Leo represents charisma, leadership, nobility, and generosity. Retrograde Mercury in Leo may lead to dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s methods of self-expression in creative endeavors. Turning inward allows for a shift in focus towards exploring other forms and changing one’s perception of oneself.
The house where Mercury is retrograding will indicate the area of life where you may experience doubts and internal conflicts. Before reading about which areas of your life require attention in August 2024, determine your Ascendant sign using the Jyotish (Vedic astrology) system. A full guide on how to do this can be found here.
Aries Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury in August 2024 will highlight issues related to work and health. If you’ve been meaning to see a doctor but haven’t gotten around to it, this transit will push you to address it. Unresolved work tasks will also resurface, demanding your attention.
Taurus Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will bring back issues with former partners. It will make you reconsider your relationships and question whether the person you’re with is the right one for you. If you’re single, analyze the reasons and conclude. Parenting will also be a focus during this time.
Gemini Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will prompt you to rethink your living situation. You might feel the urge to renovate, rearrange your home, move, or buy long-desired property (like a house or car). However, it’s best to avoid major purchases between August 5 and 29, 2024. Instead, use this time to search for suitable options and finalize deals in September.
Cancer Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will bring people from your past back into your life. This could be an ex-lover, a former classmate, or a business partner. You might also find a long-lost document. It’s a good time to update your household appliances or take your car in for repairs. When it comes to health matters, take your time to weigh all treatment options carefully.
Leo Ascendant: Self-presentation and finances are the two main themes of August’s Retrograde Mercury for you. Look inward and analyze whether you’re fully utilizing your natural talents and abilities. Mid-August is a good time to rethink your financial management and consider new ways to improve your financial situation.
Virgo Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury in August 2024 will have you analyzing your style and image. You might feel the urge to change your look, focus on your body, or start going to the gym. This transit is a great time to break bad habits, close any financial obligations, and reassess work agreements with partners. It’s better to sign new contracts in September.
Libra Ascendant: The theme for August is letting go of everything unnecessary. Analyze your close circle and honestly ask yourself who among them you no longer want to journey through life with. It’s also a good time to declutter—clear out old items, sort through documents, and organize your kitchen. Prepare your inner and outer space for the new people and things that will enter your life this fall.
Scorpio Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will be a period of rethinking topics like work, social status, and your external environment. Old friends or interest groups might re-enter your life, and you’ll need to decide whether to return to old hobbies or explore something new. This is also a great time to revisit your social media presence.
Sagittarius Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will make you reassess your goals. This transit will touch on areas of career and personal relationships. You might receive a proposal for marriage or divorce. In any case, avoid making important decisions that could drastically change your life until September.
Capricorn Ascendant: Education and travel will be on your mind during this Retrograde Mercury. If you’re planning a trip, double-check all the details, as there’s a high chance of confusion and loss of time or money. It’s better to plan trips to places you’ve visited before. You can also choose an educational course during August, but it’s best to start learning in September.
Aquarius Ascendant: Pay attention to your financial resources and those of others. Analyze everything related to money, from repaying debts to investments. Avoid taking out loans or registering property, as there may be errors in documentation. August is an excellent time for psychotherapy.
Pisces Ascendant: Retrograde Mercury will focus on relationships—marriage, business partnerships, and client interactions. If you’re considering ending a relationship, it’s crucial to weigh all the pros and cons. It’s best to avoid making serious decisions about relationships until September 2024. Business partners may reveal a side of themselves you didn’t know, and you may need to adjust your collaboration accordingly.
General recommendations for all signs:
1. Stay positive, be vigilant, and carefully think through important decisions.
2. Pause your activities. Review and refine your current projects. Engage in self-reflection and planning.
3. Be cautious in communication. Work on empathy. If possible, reduce social interactions. If unavoidable, express yourself clearly. There’s a possibility of rekindling past relationships.
4. Stay calm when dealing with technical breakdowns, lost documents or belongings, forgetfulness, delays, and trade disruptions. Follow safety guidelines when using electrical appliances.
5. Recognize your unique contribution to the world, dispel doubts, and believe in your abilities.
6. Use the retrograde transit to inspire and develop your creative skills.
7. Avoid short trips, as confusion with routes and addresses may occur.
8. Don’t start new ventures, sign contracts, make major purchases, or buy expensive equipment.
The influence of retrograde Mercury cannot be ignored, but by following these recommendations, you can navigate this period with benefits and improve your life.