Saturn’s test: forecast for each zodiac sign

29 Jun 2024
Photo: Unsplash
Photo: Unsplash

From June 29 to November 15, 2024, Saturn will go retrograde. This period signifies a time when each sign will face a test in the area of life that retrograde Saturn transits.

We all know jokes about Mercury Retrograde and blame our troubles on it. However, other planets also go retrograde. When giants like Jupiter or Saturn turn retrograde, they bring significant changes in people’s lives and greatly influence global events.

What is retrograde motion? Retrograde motion is the apparent backward movement of a planet. All planets move forward, but there are times when they appear to move backward from Earth’s perspective. This illusion occurs because planets travel at different speeds. During these periods, a planet seems to reverse direction, although it continues along its orbit.

A planet’s retrograde period has a powerful influence on Earth’s inhabitants, and the impact varies based on the planet’s nature. Mercury is responsible for communication, Venus oversees relationships, and Jupiter rules finances. What about Saturn?

Saturn is in charge of time and structure. It favors those who are mindful of resources—time and money. Saturn is the planet of discipline, punishing those who lack it.

Currently, Saturn is transiting through Aquarius, which is its strong position as it resides in its own sign. Aquarius teaches us to work towards common goals and be part of a community. The sign’s mission is to innovate, sense trends, and introduce new ideas, even if society isn’t ready for them.

Globally, Saturn’s transit in Aquarius (January 17, 2023 – March 29, 2025) will bring new discoveries, especially in the realm of the internet and technology. People will form communities united by a common idea and shared interests, with volunteer and charitable organizations expected to flourish.

Saturn’s transit in Aquarius challenges everyone to examine how their work benefits society and what new contributions they can make.

Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius emphasizes what each sign should focus on from June 29 to November 15, 2024.


Finance and Social Circle: Retrograde Saturn will make you pay attention to how you manage money. Delays in payments for work done are possible. You’ll need to learn financial discipline, tracking, and analyzing expenses. Your close circle will undergo serious scrutiny, and some people might not pass the test. Don’t worry; new, worthy individuals will take their place.


Career and Profession: Retrograde Saturn will question whether you are in the right profession. You might be occupying a place that hinders your talents in another field. This period might bring work-related issues (lack of orders, job loss, health leave) to give you time to reflect. If you are in the right place, expect more work and recognition of your efforts.


Values and Knowledge: Retrograde Saturn will rigorously question your beliefs and values. Delays in education, travel issues, and tense relationships with teachers or your father might arise. Remember, these events prompt you to reconsider your values and make different choices.


Relationships and Money: Your main lessons will come through changes in how others treat you. Retrograde Saturn might leave you temporarily without emotional or financial support. Reflect on your willingness to take responsibility in these areas and whether you enjoy your current way of earning money. Learn to view crises philosophically. Psychotherapy might help.


Partnership and Relationship Maturity: Retrograde Saturn will test the maturity of all Leos’ relationships, whether personal or business. If your partnerships are immature, they are likely to end during this period. Saturn will evaluate your reliability and serviceability in relationships.


Health and Routine: Health issues will take center stage, urging you to address them seriously—don’t delay that doctor’s visit. Saturn will enforce discipline in your rest, diet, and sleep habits. Daily routines and household problems will also demand your attention. Learn to organize tasks and involve others in their execution.


Children and Creativity: Libras will face exams in their relationships with children. You might feel stricter and perhaps try to delegate parental duties to someone else. Saturn will require full engagement in child-rearing. If you encounter delays in education or creative projects, reassess how seriously you approached them.


Home, Mother, and Inner Peace: Scorpios might experience a move or renovations in their current home. Relationships with your mother will also be tested. Your main challenge will be to find peace and support within yourself, not letting external events or people disrupt your inner harmony. Meditation and swimming could be beneficial.


Communications and Forgotten Desires: Retrograde Saturn will clean up your social circle; some people might leave your life permanently. Communication will decrease, leaving only what will lead you and your team to significant achievements. You might return to long-abandoned hobbies, especially if they involve handcrafts. Reevaluate your wish list, removing outdated desires and adding new, significant ones.


Resources and Self-Esteem: If Retrograde Saturn brings delays in receiving money, analyze whether your income sources align with your true goals and desires. Perhaps you accept minimal pay due to low self-esteem. It’s time to address this issue. Capricorns in the right place will see slow but steady income growth. Learning financial literacy and improving your diet are crucial.


Personality and True Desires: Retrograde Saturn challenges Aquarians to mature in all aspects. It might create limitations in various areas—relationships, work, and self-realization. If this happens, slow down, list your true desires, and reassess your reality. You might realize you’re climbing the wrong ladder. Such insights can lead to a complete life overhaul, blessed by Saturn.


Solitude and Letting Go: Your main test is to learn to let go of what needs to go. If doubts have plagued you, Retrograde Saturn will clear them. Falsehoods will disappear, leaving only the important and necessary. You’ll crave more solitude, reflection, and slowing down. Unexpected reunions or significant relocations might occur. This period is about cleansing to find your true self.

Do not be afraid of Retrograde Saturn or expect the worst. If you notice slowdowns or delays in any area, stop and analyze why you aren’t getting what you want. Delve deeper, and you’ll find many interesting answers that can fundamentally change your understanding of life.

This forecast is based on the sidereal zodiac of Vedic astrology Jyotish.

29 Jun 2024
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