Sea Stars

Supporting the marine theme of July, Elle reveals the 12 zodiac signs through representatives of the marine world.
The sea is an amazing ecosystem where one element cannot survive without the other. Each marine inhabitant has its own beauty and strength, and together they form a magnificent underwater world.
If we imagine that each zodiac sign represents a marine element, and their strong qualities and character traits are the features of underwater behavior, we would get the following picture.
Aries – Shark

Photo: Unsplash, Jackob Owens
Bravery is the most striking individual trait of sharks, differentiating them from other sea creatures. Recent research published in the Journal of Fish Biology highlights this characteristic. This resonates with the Aries' life motto: "Just dive into the fight. The war will show the plan."
Sharks must keep moving constantly and rarely sleep. They usually move at a cruising speed of 8 km/h but can accelerate to 60 km/h when hunting. Similarly, when Aries is driven by a goal, they can stay up for several nights and achieve the impossible to be the first and the best. Afterward, there will be a period of slow pace until the next shark-like sprint.
Their straightforwardness, impulsiveness, and lightning-fast reactions often intimidate others. In favorable conditions, the Aries-Shark can be quite sociable and even friendly, but one should never forget that beneath this friendliness lies a "predator" that can awaken at any moment.
Taurus – Whale

Photo: Unsplash, Chinh Le Duc
The resourceful and calm Whale intimidates with its size and is rightfully recognized as the largest animal on the planet. Whales can stay underwater for extended periods, occasionally surfacing for air. Similarly, Taurus can hide their thoughts and feelings for long periods, appearing calm and immobile. When stirred, however, their emotions can be overwhelming.
Whales, like Taurus, respect traditions and familial ties. Research has shown that during the breeding season, male whales sing the same "songs" across all seas, evolving and passing them from one community to another over the years
Gemini – Lamprey

Photo: Unsplash, Nik Demidko
The Lamprey, like Gemini, is a creature of many faces. Known by various names such as "eel," "viviparous," and "wriggler," this nocturnal fish exhibits a lively temperament, loves social interaction, and frequently shifts between active and dormant states. Lampreys are most active at night, mirroring the Gemini's vibrant nightlife.
The absence of ribs and bones makes the Lamprey agile and adaptable to any environment. For sustenance, Lampreys often attach themselves to larger fish, much like Geminis thrive in the heart of large companies.
Cancer – Mussel

Photo: Unsplash, Alejandro Pinero Amerio
Mussels are natural filters, purifying seawater by filtering out pollutants and accumulating toxins within themselves. This often results in the urge to retreat into their shells, away from the outside world.
The external world holds little significance for Mussels, which typically live in colonies and communicate with their kind. They are highly prolific, with one female mussel releasing between 5 to 20 million eggs during spawning.
The Industrious Mussel drags everything it finds into its dwelling. Family and community are fundamental values for this species, just as they are for those born under the sign of Cancer.
Leo – Jellyfish

Photo: Unsplash, Florian Olivo
When a Jellyfish appears among the most beautiful fish, it instantly captures all the attention, much like those born under the sign of Leo. They are impossible to overlook and unforgettable. The Jellyfish’s striking appearance mirrors Leo's love for showing off.
Jellyfish are known for their impulsiveness and quick reactions. Their sting takes only 700 nanoseconds to strike a target, earning them the title of the fastest creatures in the animal kingdom.
Jellyfish can only survive in an aquatic environment. Their bodies seem designed for protection against predators. Constantly anticipating attacks, Jellyfish often sting even when unnecessary. Similarly, their zodiac counterpart, Leo, can deliver a sharp word or harsh remark, leaving a deep impression on those around them.
Virgo – Flounder

Photo: Unsplash, Karl Callwood
The Flounder is the spyfish, a chameleon of the underwater world. It can camouflage itself to blend into any environment.
Hiding from predators, the Flounder merges with the seabed. Observing with one eye from below is inconvenient, so the eye on the lower side has gradually moved to the upper side.
Representatives of the Virgo sign might often go unnoticed in a crowd, but they are rightly recognized as the best detectives. Their meticulousness, keen observation skills, and strong memory earn them trust, making them indispensable colleagues and loyal friends.
Libra – Starfish

Photo: Unsplash, David Clode
The Starfish is a symbol of the Ocean and represents the most elegant zodiac sign. Its charm and artistry in seduction are undeniable. However, few realize that the Starfish is a predator hiding under a beautiful guise.
The endless indecision of Libras is mirrored by the starfish, which makes choices through its delicate appendages. The starfish's movement and selection process are controlled by its nervous system. When the receptors in one arm detect food, that arm becomes dominant and takes over the entire body's movements. This decision-making process involves little analysis, leading to constant doubts and actions based on impulse.
Amazingly, starfish can regenerate lost arms, which is beneficial if they are injured by a predator. Similarly, Libras, with their inherent optimism and zest for life, can recover from even the most severe setbacks. However, like the starfish, this recovery process can take years.
Scorpio – Piranha

Photo: Unsplash, Anton Darius
Who better embodies Scorpio than the ruthless predator of the seas, the piranha? The psychology of the piranha is as deep as its habitat, the Mariana Trench.
Piranhas have a phenomenal sense of smell, capable of detecting a drop of blood from several kilometers away. Similarly, Scorpios possess a powerful intuition that allows them to sense people and predict events.
The image of the piranha, much like that of Scorpio, is often marred by myths and horror stories. However, these fish attack only when hungry. When satiated, they ignore potential prey. Do not provoke a Scorpio, and they won't sting you. But if you do, be prepared for an immediate retaliation. Much like a school of hungry piranhas can strip an adult bull to the bone in two minutes, a Scorpio's retribution can be swift and unforgiving.
Sagittarius – Stingray

Photo: Unsplash, David Clode
The most goal-oriented sign of the zodiac in the marine environment possesses the imposing appearance and remarkable abilities of the stingray.
An electric stingray can deliver a shock with a current strength of more than 30 amps and a voltage of over 220 volts. A single shock can easily paralyze a healthy adult. Similarly, a Sagittarius, when focused on a goal, can break through obstacles in their path. However, if the goal is lost or uninspiring, the Sagittarius-Stingray will lazily drift in the ocean waters, slowly sinking into the depths of depression.
Stingrays are generally peaceful and friendly towards humans. They may attack only when they feel a direct threat blocking their path to safety. This behavior is often characteristic of Sagittarians, who are typically amicable but can strike back when their path is obstructed.
Capricorn – Seahorse

Photo: Unsplash, David Clode
Diligent seahorses are patient and slow-moving creatures. Much like Capricorns, whose ruling planet is Saturn, they swim slowly but methodically move toward their goal.
Interesting fact: Seahorses don’t have a stomach. Immediately after consuming their prey, nutrients are absorbed, and waste is expelled. Essentially, the life of a seahorse revolves around capturing and consuming prey. They work as diligently as Capricorns, with their dorsal fin making an average of 30 movements per second.
Capricorns are among the most faithful zodiac signs. Just like seahorses, once they find a partner, they never part. Interestingly, it is the female seahorse that chooses the male, but that’s another story
Aquarius – Butterflyfish

Фото: Unsplash, David Clode
The butterflyfish, with its beautiful fin-wings, leaps out of the water to catch prey mid-air. This reflects the primary drive of Aquarians—to achieve freedom and break free from traditions and prejudices.
Like Aquarians, the butterflyfish can view its surroundings from a unique perspective, seeing reality in a way that no one else can. The butterflyfish has a unique ability to monitor its surroundings from above and below, making it the only known species with such extraordinary vision and brain development.
Most of these creatures swim and hunt alone, fiercely guarding their independence, much like Aquarians. But butterflyfish can also pair up. They rarely form schools, considering themselves the epitome of perfection and not tolerating competition.
Pisces – Dolphin

Photo: Unsplash, Adam Berkecz
Dolphins, like Pisces, seem programmed by nature for empathy and compassion. They save and heal people, warn sailors of danger, and enjoy social interactions.
Pisces, as the most sensitive sign, possess strong intuition and the ability to foresee events. An absolutely unique feature of dolphins is their ability to "see inside" a person, similar to an ultrasound device; they can quickly detect pregnancy, for instance. The sensation of new life excites dolphins emotionally, and they react joyfully to pregnant women.
Dolphins, like Pisces, are very trusting and eager to please people. This can sometimes lead to their kindness being exploited and their interests being compromised. The main task for Pisces is to learn to say "No."
Each zodiac sign finds its counterpart in the marine community. In the sky, sea, and land, we are all connected in a single ecosystem, where the harmonious functioning of each part is crucial.