Janub Shamoli Women’s Film Festival will take place in Samarkand

Films by women from the Global South

06 Aug 2024
Still from the film Se Hoharakon by Fariza Giyosidinova

Janub Shamoli is a women’s film festival featuring works by female directors from the Global South, set to take place in Samarkand and online from August 13 to 18. This festival is centered around films with a female perspective, telling stories that challenge the dominant narratives perpetuated by a Western, male-dominated cinematic landscape.

The organizers emphasize the importance of discussion and dialogue, inviting the audience to participate in collective discussions after each screening.

All films will be shown in their original language with Uzbek and English subtitles.

Still from the film Her Right by Saodat Ismoilova

The main platform for screenings will be Art Station, with additional events planned at other venues.

The festival’s program can be viewed on the official Instagram account of Maqaal Collective

06 Aug 2024
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