All about Street Style: fashionable, bright, and individual

Limitless fashion style

21 Jul 2024

Street style, better known as an individual approach to fashion, embodies an eclectic mix of classic elegance and eccentric experiments. The art of combining textures, colors, and accessories reaches a level where every detail matters, transforming street style into a way of self-expression.

Urbanization, marketing, and television, especially social media, have significantly boosted the popularity of this style, making the “alternative” lifestyle appealing to seekers of authenticity.


Moreover, celebrities and models appearing at shows and events create true fashion performances. During Fashion Week, the streets of Paris, Milan, London, and New York turn into impromptu runways, showcasing not just clothing but also character, creativity, and individuality.

ELLE has compiled several examples to pay attention to when choosing street-style looks for the Spring-Summer 2024 season.

Bright colors

For several seasons, muted shades reigned supreme. Now, bright colors are making a triumphant return. At Paris Fashion Week, models were presented in neon greens and bold yellows. Whether you decide to fully embrace vibrant hues or just add a few accents to your outfit, this trend is sure to draw attention.


Scottish print

Tartan, a classic British pattern, always remains relevant. This season, it has been interpreted in a variety of forms: from shirts and skirts to coats and pants. Choosing a Scottish print is a great way to liven up your wardrobe and add a unique charm.



Head-to-toe denim is a returning trend that seems to have permanently rooted itself in fashion. From classic jeans to button-down dresses, blue denim offers the chance to create a casual yet intriguing look.


Street style inspires and ignites the imagination, emphasizing that fashion is not just clothing, but an art of self-expression that can unite various cultural and stylistic directions.

21 Jul 2024
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