Women and Sleep
Revealing the biggest secret of beauty and youth

Within the big city life, women have less time to sleep. Few people think about the effects of chronic sleep deprivation. But if you want to have a healthy lifestyle, first and foremost you should pay attention to a complete sleep - it largely determines our well-being and appearance.
Physical health
While sleeping, all body cells are being renewed, so a complete sleep at night increases immunity. If you ignore it, the chances of getting sick increases several times. You have probably noticed that on the background of frequent chronic sleep deprivation you start to get sick more, and every virus “clings” to you. Besides, sleep disruption raises the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Lack of sleep also affects women's health, which can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and decreased libido.
Lack of sleep impairs blood flow and metabolism, resulting in bags and dark circles under the eyes. It also leads to fatigue and stress, which results in the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which prevents skin cells from renewal. This leads to skin deterioration and early aging.
One more important hormone that takes care of our beauty while we sleep is melatonin. Keep in mind that it is only actively produced in complete darkness, so try to go to bed without gadgets.
Extra weight
According to international studies, women who sleep less than 6 hours a night are more likely to gain weight. This happens due to the disruption of hormones in the body. In addition to cortisol, which we mentioned above, lack of sleep produces the hunger hormone ghrelin. Due to lack of sleep, we begin to either “eat” stress, or face difficulties in satisfying hunger.
Memory loss and poor concentration
Daily our brain processes a large amount of information. And during the period of sleep, its digestion takes place. If the sleep process is regularly disturbed, it will affect our memory, concentration and productivity during the day.
Emotional well-being
Regular sleep deprivation leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. Therefore, women who are under-slept are more irritable and aggressive. With a lack of sleep, there are also noticeable changes in the brain. There is increased activity in areas responsible for negative associations and pessimism, and decreased activity in areas of positive thinking.
Learn to find a balance between work and rest. Try to go to bed before 23.00, then your sleep will be complete and beneficial. As a result, you will see a happy, beautiful and healthy woman in the mirror.