5 tips for a healthy lifestyle
Where to start?

Everyone wants to be young, healthy and beautiful. We prepared recommendations to help you. Keep in mind: simple but regular actions always lead to great results.

Unsplash, Zen Bear Yoga
Fix the sleep routine
One of the main functions of sleep is the overall renewal of all cells in the body. Quality sleep affects our immune and nervous systems, overall well-being and appearance. The basic rule of healthy sleep is going to bed and waking up at the same time. By doing so, internal biological clocks will help to keep us rested by releasing the right hormones at the right time.

Unsplash, Kateryna Hliznitsova
Make time for exercise
Regular sport activity strengthens the heart muscles, improves circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sport also helps to deal with stress more easily and improves cognitive abilities. You can start with a little exercise in the morning, stretching or a daily walk. Try different activities and find what works for you!

Pexels, George Milton
Focus on your diet
We are what we eat. A mindful approach to eating is fundamental to a healthy and long life. Balanced diet is key to ensure the intake and absorption of the substances essential for energy and the function of all organs. It is important to drink enough water, add as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and try to minimize intake of sugar and salt.

Pexels, Mikhail Nilov
Do emotional detox
In the modern world, each of us is affected by stress. Try to listen to how you feel, give your brain and body time for rest. Moreover, emotional detoxing is important for an overall feel of comfort and fulfillment in daily life. It is the best prevention and care of your health. Based on your preferences, choose from breathing practices, karaoke, creative activities, meditation, time in nature, or just simply being alone.

Unsplash: Kalen Emsley
Give up bad habits
For a long time it has been well known that smoking, drinking alcohol and other bad habits have a negative impact on our health, contribute to early aging and lead to emotional instability. Giving them up is not an easy deal - you need desire, willpower and patience. Start gradually. Psychologists recommend studying the root causes of the problem - perhaps you “automatically” go to smoke when you are nervous at work. Try to track your feelings and emotions at that moment and replace the “bad” habit with a “good” one. Instead of smoking a cigarette, eat an apple or nibble some nuts. Starting something new is never easy, but we believe that you have the strength to take the first step towards a healthy lifestyle.