Lunar Eclipse on September 18: Forecast for All Signs

The lunar eclipse will occur on September 18, 2024, at 7:34 AM Tashkent time, in the sign of Pisces in the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra.
The lunar eclipse in Pisces is an ideal time for various practices and rituals focused on cleansing and releasing the burdens of the past, heavy karma, past experiences, psychological traumas, deep emotions, the subconscious, and old emotional blocks, fears, and illusions.
This eclipse will catalyze intuitive awakening. Pisces runs intuition and spiritual perception, and during this time, our intuition may become particularly sharp, helping us see things that were previously hidden.
Dreams during this period may be especially significant and vivid, and some may have already noticed this, as we are on the brink of the eclipse corridor. It’s recommended to record dreams throughout the eclipse corridor and analyze them for answers to personal questions. You can also go to sleep with an intention or specific question. Through dreams during this period, you may receive powerful insights or glimpses of future events in your life.
Eclipses always signal the end of certain cycles in our lives. In Pisces, this can be quite emotional and will often touch on spiritual aspects. We may realize that it's time to let go of something that no longer serves us or helps us grow.
During this eclipse, it’s beneficial to focus on compassion and forgiveness, as these qualities are connected to Pisces. It’s a time when we can heal old wounds, forgive ourselves and others, and start a new cycle with a clean heart and mind.
Themes the September Eclipse will touch for each sign:
Aries Rising:
The lunar eclipse in Pisces in your 12th house may bring internal conflict and encourage self-reflection. Be mindful of your emotions and focus on releasing old fears. It’s useful to engage in active planning, make decisions with confidence, and use your intuition to resolve internal conflicts.
Taurus Rising:
The eclipse in your 11th house will prompt you to reassess your values and approach to work. This lunar eclipse in Pisces will affect your friendships and social circumstances, possibly leading you to say goodbye to some unnecessary connections. Focus on your financial strategies and goals, and reassess your priorities in social relationships.
Gemini Rising:
The lunar eclipse in Pisces will require a review of your professional ambitions or public image. Use the upcoming eclipse corridor to expand your knowledge and engage with others. Be prepared for changes in your career and don’t hesitate to reconsider your goals.
Cancer Rising:
This is a time for internal searching and reevaluating your spiritual and philosophical beliefs. The lunar eclipse in Pisces may bring an awareness that it's time to reassess your spiritual goals and worldview. Engage in self-reflection and meditation to manage internal conflicts. Pay attention to your health and daily routine.
Leo Rising:
You will need to rethink your values and approach to finances. The lunar eclipse in Pisces may affect your financial obligations or shared resources, prompting you to let go of unnecessary expenses or debts. It’s important to balance your emotions with realistic possibilities.
Virgo Rising:
This is a time for deep self-analysis and a reassessment of your relationships. It's essential to let go of unnecessary habits and outdated beliefs. The lunar eclipse may bring changes in your personal or business relationships, prompting you to reconsider or end certain connections.
Libra Rising:
The eclipse will encourage you to focus on your health and daily responsibilities. The lunar eclipse in your 6th house will push you to reassess your approaches to work and health. Organize your daily tasks and avoid conflicts in relationships.
Scorpio Rising:
Your transformations will occur in the realms of romance and creativity. You may release old patterns and behaviors. The lunar eclipse in your 5th house will bring the energy of completion and transformation to your creative projects and self-expression. Be open to changes and don’t fear letting go of what no longer serves your growth.
Sagittarius Rising:
The lunar eclipse in your 4th house may change your home environment or family relationships, helping you release old family patterns. Focus on harmonizing family dynamics, improving your home environment, and strengthening emotional connections with your loved ones.
Capricorn Rising:
The lunar eclipse in your 3rd house may bring changes in communication and learning, prompting you to reconsider your ideas and approaches to information. Be mindful of your words and ideas, and avoid unnecessary arguments.
Aquarius Rising:
The lunar eclipse may require you to radically change your sources of income or let go of unnecessary expenses, debts, or loans. Reassess your financial plans and strategies. Avoid excessive spending and focus on improving your financial situation and material stability.
Pisces Rising:
The eclipse is happening in your 1st house, the house of personality, affecting all areas of your life. The lunar eclipse may bring significant internal transformations, freeing you from old illusions or leading you to new beginnings. You may feel tension or anxiety in your home life or be faced with numerous household tasks. Use the upcoming eclipse corridor for deep self-reflection and personal growth. Let go of what hinders your progress and prepare for a new chapter in life.