Yoga horoscope. Choosing asanas according to your zodiac sign

Yoga is a practice of strength. Each zodiac sign possesses its unique power. Let's combine yoga and astrology practices and select the most beneficial asanas for each zodiac sign.
ARIES - Navasana (Boat Pose)

Energy and assertiveness are the main characteristics of this first fire sign. Aries, the trailblazer, goes straight ahead, with a mission to set and achieve grand goals. Navasana (Boat Pose) strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the body, perfectly aligning with Aries' drive to solidify their position in life.
TAURUS - Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Taureans can rightfully be proud of their practicality, ability to earn money and create a cozy home. This grounded nature of Taurus is best reflected in Vrikshasana (Tree Pose). This pose symbolizes patience and overall balance. It provides a good stretch for the lower body, strengthens the legs, and improves balance and flexibility.
GEMINI - Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

This playful pose perfectly matches the cheerful nature of this air sign. Garudasana is engaging enough to wake the curiosity of inquisitive Geminis. At the same time, it requires the high concentration that this sign often needs. Eagle Pose enhances balance and flexibility, stretches the shoulders, back, and hips, and strengthens the core and focus.
CANCER - Balasana (Child’s Pose)

The most sensitive and emotional zodiac sign is best suited to a pose that allows them to feel at home. Balasana (Child's Pose) soothes the mind, relieves tension in the body, and provides a sense of relaxation and security. In this pose, Cancer can feel as relaxed and happy as a baby in the womb.
LEO - Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Regal Leos will benefit from poses that open the chest and heart chakra. A royal posture is a must for this fire sign. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) opens the chest, helps straighten the spine, and stretches the body's muscles pleasantly. The elegant Bhujangasana beautifully reflects Leo's beauty and majesty.
VIRGO - Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose)

Goddess Pose seems tailor-made for Virgo. Few possess the patience, strength, and endurance required to perform this asana correctly. Utkata Konasana effectively targets the inner thighs, legs, and back, ensuring excellent blood circulation throughout the body. For the constantly tense Virgo, this asana can be a true salvation.
LIBRA - Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Libras are always in search of life balance. All balance poses are a must for Libras. Ardha Chandrasana, like a ballerina in mid-air, will help Libras build a strong and beautiful body, strengthening the legs, glutes, and ankles, while also achieving the balance they so desperately need.
SCORPIO - Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

Scorpio is rightfully considered the most passionate and sensual zodiac sign. Salabhasana will help this water sign feel every muscle in their body, and strengthen the pelvic floor and glutes. Locust Pose improves posture while simultaneously relaxing and releasing tension in the back and shoulders—a pose of strength for the most mystical sign of the zodiac.
SAGITTARIUS - Viparita Virabhadrasana (Reverse Warrior Pose)

This fire sign truly lives when they see and feel a goal. Viparita Virabhadrasana will help Sagittarius achieve success by training focus and persistence in pursuing their goals. The asana elongates and stretches the upper and side body, improves flexibility, and gives a sense of balance.
CAPRICORN - Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Behind the apparent simplicity of this pose lies incredible diligence and endurance. It directly reflects Capricorn's character and work ethic, stability, and patience in achieving their goals. The asana improves posture, opens the chest and shoulders, and strengthens the abdominal muscles. When performed correctly, Tadasana slows the breath, allowing for a deep focus on the body and maximum relaxation of the mind.
AQUARIUS - Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Creative and dreamy Aquarians need a powerful energy boost to bring all their ideas to life. When performed correctly, Dhanurasana stimulates the thyroid gland and provides a powerful flow of energy, reducing stress and excessive worry. This pose stimulates blood flow throughout the body and opens the heart, helping Aquarians realize their creative thoughts.
PISCES - Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Representatives of the final sign of the zodiac even have their pose in yoga. Fish Pose stimulates positive energy and gently improves mental well-being. It strengthens the back of the neck and upper back, promoting healthy posture.
Yoga is a magical practice that transcends religions. Each asana is perfectly suitable for all zodiac signs. The key is a professional guide and proper execution. Enhance your mind and body through this wonderful practice of strength.
Written in accordance with the sidereal zodiac of Vedic astrology Jyotish.