Mindful eating
Relationships with food: creating new habits

One of the most common habits of people nowadays is scrolling through Instagram feeds or watching TV while eating. It's harmful because within 20 minutes of eating, your brain sends a message to the body that it's full. And when the brain is distracted and the signal is no longer absorbed, you don't feel full and enjoy your meal.
Mindful eating is a practice where we question how and what we eat. It is the art of being in a moment. It is important to engage all the senses and live each action. The concept of mindful eating is the ability to enjoy the touch, smell, sound, color and taste of food.
Regular practice of technique helps to cope with overeating and distinguish emotional hunger from physical. As an added bonus, you'll feel better, have a stable weight, increased energy levels and mental clarity.
How to start? We have prepared some simple suggestions for you.
Listen to your body
Every time you eat, ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you just want to “eat” a stressful situation. If you worry about gaining weight and restrict yourself in eating, you are likely to break down and eat much more than you probably do. Nutritionists recommend eating always at the same time, five times a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. Such an eating pattern will help you recognize whether the hunger you feel in the moment is physical or emotional. And, if it is the second option, you can replace eating with getting a “good” emotion - call a loved one, listen to your favorite song or read an interesting book.
Choose high-quality products
Mindful eating is always about choosing healthy products that contain the vitamins, macro- and micro-nutrients your body needs. Ensure that your diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and other foods.
Start eating slowly
Try to eat slowly. For example, dentists recommend chewing each bite until it turns into a liquid - it is optimal to make 75 to 100 chewing moves. At the same time, try not to be distracted by external factors. Dedicate this time to yourself and body. Let eating become a ritual to reunite your mind and body.
Be grateful for the food
An essential part of the concept about mindful eating is gratitude. Thank yourself and your body for being able to eat and digest food well. Soon you will notice that your body will begin to thank you in response with improved health and increased energy levels.