The art of understanding yourself and others

What is emotional intelligence and how to develop it

07 Sep 2024
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At the core of emotional intelligence lies the ability to recognize and manage your feelings and reactions in the moment, as well as apply these skills in interactions with others. This directly influences our ability to build relationships and achieve success in life.

Emotions under control 

In the early 20th century, the global psychological community began to increasingly emphasize the importance of social intelligence. This concept included the ability to analyze one’s own and others’ emotions, differentiate them, and use that understanding to guide thoughts and actions.

Modern psychology identifies nine key components of this theory: emotional incentives, recognizing feelings, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, development of social skills, self-realization, helping others in their self-realization, and emotional unity.

The key to success 

People with well-developed emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate teams, understand the needs of others, resolve conflicts effectively, and build trust-based relationships. This greatly contributes to career and business success. These individuals possess strong empathy, which fosters deep connections and opens the door to mutual understanding and support in personal relationships.

Emotional intelligence also helps individuals recognize their strengths and weaknesses, while proper emotion management reduces stress and helps prevent burnout. Altogether, these skills are directly linked to success in life, whether it’s career advancement, harmonious personal relationships, or inner peace. 

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Steps from self-awareness to empathy 

Start by tracking your emotions and analyzing your behavior. Regularly ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?” For more effective results, jot down your answers and reactions to events. After difficult situations, reflect on how you responded and think about what you might do differently next time.

To better handle tough situations, try to accept your emotions—don’t avoid them. This approach allows you to transform them into opportunities for growth by shifting your perspective. Cultivate empathy by studying the emotions of the people around you. Begin expressing your emotions calmly and clearly, and seek feedback from others. This will help you see yourself from a different angle and identify areas for improvement.

Remember, becoming aware of your emotions and developing emotional intelligence is a process that takes time. Take care of your mental well-being, and be mindful of the feelings of others. Regularly find time for rest and recovery, and engage in activities that bring you joy. 

07 Sep 2024
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